I have been making progress on my automation project over the last couple of months and there has been some fun activities recently! Things are moving in the right direction and now getting to the stage where I need to start thinking about physical installation – how will I house the circuit boards and related power, where they will fit into the observatory and so on… This I need to be careful about, as I don’t want to wire it all and then rewire afterwards!
I’ve also decided to try and sell the RC and replace with a refractor. I love the RC, it is a great scope – but if I am going to go completely unattended, it would be pointless to have to go into the observatory to collimate the scope. That said, I shan’t give it away and if it doesn’t sell for a reasonable price, I will keep it and make full use of the ED80 for unattended imaging
Which reminds me, I have now purchased a Hubble Artificial Star to help locate the misalignment with the ED80. Although I suspect the issue is only seen when I have the reducer in place, I will be able to test and confirm. And of course, it will be a very useful tool for the RC as well!