The Tano Blog

Sky at Night… Fame at last!

Tuesday 18th March 2014. Save the date. This is when I become famous…..   Haahaahaa!! Well, if you can call a one minute interview becoming famous… The Sky At Night team paid a visit to the Bedford Astronomical Society on the 18th March to film a piece about Mars for the April program. I was...

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Nearly there…..

The sell-off of the Atik 383L+ and related kit goes well…. Just the OAG and the camera itself now, and I have interested parties in both, so fingers crossed.   The new camera is the Atik One which has an integrated 5 position filter wheel, off-axis guider and the intro offer comes with a planetary/guide camera...

"Nearly there….."Continue reading

Having a clear out…

So, I’ve decided to clear out some of the astro-hardware as I want to change the camera… The Atik383L+ is a great piece of kit, but I’m going to downsize slightly I think to give me a bit flexibility with the ED80 again. I really miss imaging with that scope, it’s such a great workhorse!...

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Rootin’ tootin’ tablet!

I took the opportunity of some scarce free time at the weekend (1st Feb ’14) and rooted and flashed my Asus Prime. Scary stuff for a novice at this sort of thing, but it went very smoothly!   Big kudos to the guys on this forum and ‘berndlb’ in particular for the tut – made...

SN 2014J

Along with other members of Bedford Astro Society, got some nice view of the recent SN in M82. I still need to resolve some guiding issues with the RC8 – would be nice to get some images of this before it fades! An excellent image from Adam Block can be seen on the APOD site…...

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