Two years since my last post….

... so that means the observatory project has been running for some 5 years now!! But it has actually finished!! Well.... let me just temper that statement. The observatory has been rebuilt from scratch, and as of now (18th Oct 2021) I am just waitin on the floor paint to finish drying before I actually...

Old Automation Phase 3 – Roof

The third phase of the automation project is the roof. Not only does it need power, it needs to roll very smoothly to ensure the motors don't stall when opening and closing the roof. So this element will probably take the longest to complete... 18th November 2016 Some real progress with the roof! After inspection...

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Old Automation Phase 2 – Power

Being able to remotely power up the various components of the observatory is very appealing, and while there is an argument that says until I have the roof sorted there is no point in doing this, I think that getting this element of the project done will be relatively low cost, fairly straight-forward and will...

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Old Automation Phase 1 – Software

This initial phase will focus on the various software components needed to: Build a model of the area of sky being imaged Automatically perform a meridian flip Plate solve before and after a meridian flip Acquire images with different filters and exposure times Monitor weather for rain/cloud and alert me when conditions are not suitable...

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The Original Observatory Automation Project

Like so many other astronomers, I am now starting on a project to upgrade my observatory to allow full unattended imaging. My definition of ‘unattended’ is that I will be at home but potentially inside the house. Although this project would give the capability of full robotic operation, I’m not sure if that is one...

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