Another conjunction…

5:30am, October 25th, 2015. Temperature: 4°c …… brrrrrrr!!!

You forget how cold it can be in the mornings now! Anyway, I set the alarm and drove up to the top of a local hill so I would be out of the range of the local street lights.

I didn’t go for a time-lapse this time, just went for a nice shot that showed the planets, just as the blue of the dawn was starting to show. As I type, the sky is now a fiery red as the sun rises – wish I had stayed a bit longer to get some of that as well… Might have time if I hurry and finish this post!

So, single image from my Canon 600D, 18mm kit lens, f/3.5, 0.5s – just a little tweak in CS5…


Venus, Jupiter, Mars
Venus, Jupiter and Mars in the dawn sky….
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